All O.K.

Posted: November 6, 2015 by saraherhodes in 1915

Everything is proceeding as usual. Jacko took a fancy to one of our trenches on the right the other night. He got his head bumped severely for his pains. There has been a fair amount of heavy stuff flying about trying to celebrate yesterday I suppose.

Art Kinnish came back this morning, he isn’t looking too good. He went to Malta. I bought a couple  of blocks of Greek Chocolate this morning, I paid 2/3 for it, real value about 8d. Salmon is 3/- per tin and other articles run about the same scale.

The weather is still perfect, far to good for war. I have been doing quite a lot of smoking lately, dropped on to a 4oz. plug of Welcome Nugget Medium. It isn’t too bad either. If you ever send tobacco it would be better to send plug, we get nothing but mixtures here, and some of it is very questionable.

My job as Orderly Sergeant finishes tomorrow morning, I shan’t be very sorry, although it has been a good change. The job gets monotonous after a time. Sgts. Colbey & Davidson, Cpls. Jones and Beames, Pts. DuRieu, Barker, Fordham, are all O.K., also Lieut. Loutit.

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